Tricia Wozniak went missing on No… 1987 walking home from Arey Elementary first there were signs all over town
the broom disdains fate sweeping destinies away our futures of dust
dying to stay in tune they rattle eagerly to play one last song
brief landings never fool me my thoughts are made of tornadoes and I know the mind will never sit… “where the heart is” is the name of a bullshit map
she loved him before when life was a game he played and she loves him still
still he saws at the legs of his Steinway old habits only die hard so he tickles the ivory cigarette hanging from his lips
notebooks have been stacked in pre… filled with short stories bad drawings and of course
you drag a soul around in a body and some nights it’s a bag of bricks wondering if there’s anything left to dream for
darkness does not pass suddenly nor does the light surrounding it though her love was a shadow i reticently remember hints of a star
there is a man i have never met too often on my thoughts a woman for whose thoughts i have had to c… against other men
it is not just missing the good times slamdancing in a circle pit with your best buds at a rock show blacklit basement parties
Sweet undying moon, I offer you my song. With the stars in tune, heartfelt, i will croon to you the whole night long.
The ghosts will be waiting for me when I open the door, remove my work boots and grab a Diet Dr. Pepper from t… They will be snickering as I fill…
when the neighbors would bang on t… screaming through them telling him to stop for the love of god it is three in the morning
just for fuck’s sake don’t write it about her i know she loved this song but you loved it before her