trees tremble in fright sharing tales that shake their lea… lumberjack stories
Sweet undying moon, I offer you my song. With the stars in tune, heartfelt, i will croon to you the whole night long.
last seen at the brink of the abys… screaming at god laughing at the devil and smoking loose tobacco dark eyes and burnt skin
i love music i know everyone does but i really do nothing can soothe me as much as
we fly down the highway looking for the next bar open on C… we each do a line and head on in flirt with lonely girls and take bumps in the bathroom
when they have shaved the flesh until it drapes from the bones a mind begins to entertain the del… and an end will be had
submerged so deeply in abysmal woes of self he makes his last choice
the only boss i care to listen to on Labor Day
Deep in The Milky Way they will meet again. Reflections, and shadows. Never-ending satellites crashing into never-ending stars.
word traveled fast about the man with the crying ears sad with silence an absence of music left an absence in him
i kneel on two bad knees i clasp together two
there she was again in my dreams last night perhaps it is faulty programming a virus or malware but for whatever reason
love digs graves all around the world but i used to
if ever he drowns a swimmer will miss water life regrets no death
i can smell a clue about as well as a rock and if you’re waiting for me under a rock