it was never my intention to clip… i was only trying to take a feathe… so that i would have something to… after you flew away
the first line wrapped itself arou… a quickly tightened noose to take his breath away a second stanza slashed down his w… like a cold razor blade of verse
race against midnight an eleventh hour dash for the quick finish
Eclipse was the illegitimate daugh… of the moon and the sun beautiful and frightening shining and dark all at once
i walk as a storm two bolts of lightning in socks shoes laced with thunder
she broke up with him because he broke her oscillating f… on a 107 degree day in the Texas s… with one angry punch he destroyed the fan
we are all worth more than the bread crumbs they throw u… minimum wages
isolated Sunday bicycle rides tend to compel long winded speeche… character dialogues from stories i… and plenty of l’esprit d’escalier i speak with the dead
i drag this carriage with a whip at my back slowly leading them to their destinations to their privileges
you took leave of Egypt for southwest Tennessee the African sun left for the warmth of Sun Record… i commend the move you made
the crowd is divisive full of bickering ideologies and overstimulated thoughts of what makes us different we lose sight of the fact
the best shelf in town bartenders driving the drunks home
if you’ve show up to the poetry re… with no poems to read you better worry because you can’t go on stage with… so start looking for an exit
i began to tell a grim story of a puppy left alone beneath an overcast sky at first i saw a lost dog sad and without
just in case we never find each ot… if the days between us are forever… if the moon has led you to another… if you travel always the road away… just in case we awake