where every man has gone before and i don’t think i’ll be too far… but still it’s too bad that we couldn’t make… it’s too bad that we ever fell fro…
in all restaurants madness overwhelms the staff spirits break like plates
at odds with the sky I have rid myself of every feather and with my beak i have chewed off… of my wings if i am to see my dreams die
walking down the path that leads t… from 15th street i pass the same pothole that was t… twenty-two years ago as black and as deep as it was
time reduced to ash all the clocks were made of fire burning each second
when she doesn’t love you the guts are pulled out from insid… life spills from the bones and your heart forgets to beat you become a ghost
the lavish liberty of lust unbound in the salacity of self a lover may take too long or doesn’t take long enough a lover may manipulate you
last seen at the brink of the abys… screaming at god laughing at the devil and smoking loose tobacco dark eyes and burnt skin
she always turns a light on when she thinks of me checks under the bed to see if i left behind a kiss
I keep coming back just when ya think “there is no
Fruit Vendors a man with a cart of oranges on th… sells them with acclaim for their… sweet citrus that excites the tong… for a moment of pleasure
that is another man’s suicide if i kill myself there will be hookers
panic is my dance partner and
watching horror films on vhs with gramma saturday nights
i walk like an appetizer onto the moonlight tongue the wine is in my blood