if you dream me dream me without these horns without scorn back beside the lord
it was the hottest new spot on the east side of course and of course
when the piano notes are dancing rhythms of candle light it’s hard to hear the fire go out the room cools its quiet wakes your fear
a mind at war with itself for so long thoughts turn into grenades or helicopter blades
stuck out on a ledge with no stairs no ladder and no one to catch me
there will plenty of time to be si… when the abyss avalanches down upo… burying you deep into eternal abse… so raise your voice while you stil… because even if you can’t yell tom…
short glass of water to wash back the pills in hand last glass of water
submerged so deeply in abysmal woes of self he makes his last choice
this dinosaur has shared so much o… pain worry and confusion the idleness of evolution
you lose your breath when the fist hits your gut you lose your mind when you love a woman you lose your keys
A bleak winter day has come to me with one rose alive in it’s hand. I am asked when spring will set it… when the leaves will return to the… and more roses will bloom in the l…
whenever i roll in to town i see h… forbidden wires circuits exposed and on display electric sin against god with satan clouding my thoughts
disregarded flesh from abattoir to your plate feeding dominion
tailored finely to be worn proudly on the dance floor on the moon over top-shelf martinis over the rainbow
my knee is there if i need to bend my leg my knee is not there for me to beg if you place an empty plate in fro…