i was 24 riding the Amtrak for the first ti… with a six hour layover in downtow… i left the station looking for a s… but before i found anything resemb…
isolated Sunday bicycle rides tend to compel long winded speeche… character dialogues from stories i… and plenty of l’esprit d’escalier i speak with the dead
submerged so deeply in abysmal woes of self he makes his last choice
everyone’s eyes are filled with what could have been some girls are alone others accompanied by lovers all waiting for their names to be…
decorated in soft skin vines of fire drape around her fireproof face my eyes kneel in worship of a goddess passing by
Fruit Vendors a man with a cart of oranges on th… sells them with acclaim for their… sweet citrus that excites the tong… for a moment of pleasure
dying of cancer saying her prayers they came to bathe her she asked if would hold her Rosary… “of course”
thoughts on the police not that they are the bad guys they just work for them
i almost did not make it to this p… i was stuck in the glory of old verses cadavers un-buried and admired like trophies
it was never my intention to clip… i was only trying to take a feathe… so that i would have something to… after you flew away
a leaf hoped that the branch would be strong but they were both born from an ol… and those dying roots could only h… until there was no choice
i walk as a storm two bolts of lightning in socks shoes laced with thunder
on a night back in 1998 at the 24 hour Happy Chef diner in Fort Dodge, Iowa when both of us were drunk and stoned
a $5 footlong at Subway before a meeting on Thursday Burnin’ For You came on the speak… i wanted to call you
if you alone hold me as i battle for last breat… if you alone bear the burden of the body left b… if there is no one else in the roo…