you took leave of Egypt for southwest Tennessee the African sun left for the warmth of Sun Record… i commend the move you made
it was a particularly long day walking around in the Austin heat with too much on my mind i’d avoided the drink though it seemed to call for me fr…
i drifted onto your shore a withered vessel the skeleton of a ship torn sails draped over masts like dead bodies
peering into your eyes i am trying to understand you hoping to know you a little better with each glance when the world is mad
in one kiss four lips translate all the languages of the world into a story none of us understand
if ever he drowns a swimmer will miss water life regrets no death
you lose your breath when the fist hits your gut you lose your mind when you love a woman you lose your keys
when governments fall the power goes out and civilization is in the shamble… of its own undoing Uncle Dan has plenty of survival…
i search each second find words under rocks and rugs looking for poems
disregarded flesh from abattoir to your plate feeding dominion
a foot wants the ground take each step with gratitude to walk is to live
seven years ago almost home coming over the bridge from a show in The Windy City we hit the ice
i am the one most concerned with popularity found my way into castles to meet with kings and queens crashed parties with celebrities
time reduced to ash all the clocks were made of fire burning each second
I like to pretend in alternate uni… where everything is almost the sam… just different in a few spots under another sun the two of us worked