submerged so deeply in abysmal woes of self he makes his last choice
we can wear the morning air like a jacket and move deep into those bright
Charles with his typewriter and bottles a bluebird held hostage in his hea… all the women he wanted all the jobs he didn’t
the blade has always been dull how it was made never
apologies were often on the wind before her lips but when a girl’s got those big be… well
his wife came in to the video store i work at today i knew who she was by the last name on her Oregon i.d…
for one minute my clock dreamed of infinity forever stood still in a timeless moment hidden from death and deadlines
just for fuck’s sake don’t write it about her i know she loved this song but you loved it before her
on the surface you are correct he was an asshole a drunk maybe even
he remembers the grapes as they would vine through his blo… like galaxies looking for a home welcomed with a kiss from his alwa… stars tickled his heart
You have found me smothered in a shadow. You have stumbled up a child; one whom carries storm clouds arou…
my knee is there if i need to bend my leg my knee is not there for me to beg if you place an empty plate in fro…
now when I say “forever” I don’t mean too
a man who tries to possess the moo… would understandably be called arrogant a man who tries to possess the sun would rightfully be told he was
a $5 footlong at Subway before a meeting on Thursday Burnin’ For You came on the speak… i wanted to call you