squandered precious gifts laid down for worthless fortunes when men turn soldier
long begrimed with dust a floor looking for a broom love me for my scuffs
just for fuck’s sake don’t write it about her i know she loved this song but you loved it before her
the fast foot of gloom quick through labyrinths of joy always catches up
it’s there when nothing else is but the radio and a near crippling… it climbs around on the walls and… hissing like a poisonous lizard th… you cut the tips of your fingers a…
streets become narrow and sidewalks vanish layers are important heavy socks and the right pair of boots
regret of the clock once wanted to be a watch even time gets lost
THE ARTIST constantly trying to get somewhere he
seven years ago almost home coming over the bridge from a show in The Windy City we hit the ice
when you’re going down the momentum is compelling to the point it almost overwhelms you at the bottom
Winds sweep through the branches,… Observe the satellite of my howlin… Lunar intoxicant swims deep into m… From man I am transformed.
desert town of fools born of sand and rainmakers devoted to thirst
his wings are lazy buzzing around the same pond a fly scared to change
i began to tell a grim story of a puppy left alone beneath an overcast sky at first i saw a lost dog sad and without
loading the chamber to kill that which he fears most one round will suffice