this shirt screams “i’m not still fucked up from last…
long begrimed with dust a floor looking for a broom love me for my scuffs
the first line wrapped itself arou… a quickly tightened noose to take his breath away a second stanza slashed down his w… like a cold razor blade of verse
Winds sweep through the branches,… Observe the satellite of my howlin… Lunar intoxicant swims deep into m… From man I am transformed.
he remembers the grapes as they would vine through his blo… like galaxies looking for a home welcomed with a kiss from his alwa… stars tickled his heart
joyless carnival merry-go-rounds of a troubled mind the amusement of fright and despair
i drifted onto your shore a withered vessel the skeleton of a ship torn sails draped over masts like dead bodies
disregarded flesh from abattoir to your plate feeding dominion
it is not just missing the good times slamdancing in a circle pit with your best buds at a rock show blacklit basement parties
avoiding cocoons pride is the caterpillar that shuns butterflies
quick to lock ourselves in a prison cell of arrogance incarcerated by our own egos freedom can not happen until we reach through the bars
last seen at the brink of the abys… screaming at god laughing at the devil and smoking loose tobacco dark eyes and burnt skin
every drum in the world pales to the bang the crash the beat of her
he looks off into the distance as if god exists waiting beyond the winds with some kind of answer he looks on dating sites
black shirts worn at day they spoke mostly of music bonded by the odd