As I lay here looking upon my past, I write this unfinished book– a memoir of all the things that I’ve forgotten that you all have left to learn. I could write it on a scroll and call it “God inspired word”, but such an act of vanity to me just seems absurd. I could fill the heads of youngsters with such tales and call it “history”, but even in the ending it’s only just begun. I could put the words of madness to a song and call it “music”, yet that would be insane. So I leave you now with these lessons written down in stone—- I guess I’ll call it “poetry”, for they’re just ideas of my own.
My children, I now tell you to always walk with God, but don’t forget to stop now and again to mark the paper with the pen because your life’s an open page and your actions are the ink. Here and now I tell you my children, what you stop to write today is the heart of what you’ll have left to pass onto your kids, so cherish every moment and make every pen stroke count.
I beg you now my youngsters, even if not for you at least do it for those you love, and no matter what joys or pain you face– Please don’t ever forget about the One that’s up above...