For all that ever faded, there’s one thing that ever shines
A candle flame that’s flicker will never wane
One shimmering, lonesome star that ever burns your name
A light so bright that every bit of darkness is forever left behind
I was crouching in the shadows, but arm in arm with you, we cast a shadow on the earth
Soaring high above it, for the worries and all its sadness can’t reach us way up here
With you enveloped in my arms, there’s no madness that I fear
Since you’re the inspiration from which all my poems birth
Never before have I seen an angel, nor had I believed I ever would
If somebody told me that one day I would hold one dear
I would have laughed them out the door and deemed them only queer
But, as far fetched then it seemed, I have you by my side though I don’t feel as if I should
To hold your heart in mortal hands seems a taboo sin, but cherish it I will
Beyond the setting of the final sun and through the dunes of endless time
Until every galaxy implodes, and there’s not a single star left to shine
When both our heartbeats silence, even then my love, will I adore you still
For loving you is an honor that I never thought I could fulfill, a gift from up above
One that I may not deserve, but for which I’d battle every foe
Or drown in all the oceans where the fiercest winds never cease to blow
Just to taste a piece of nectar seeping from the flower of your love
If I had the power, I would lay the world down at your door
And harness every glimmer from each and every star
To show the boundaries of my passion as endless as they are
If eternity were even longer, there’s no way I could love you more