Daniel Enzi

"Covenant of Love"

Baptized inside your fountain of all I’ve ever dreamed, I watch as every ounce of sadness your water washes clean. Sanctified by the fire of passion that ever burns amidst us, I cannot fathom darkness as your angelic light casts my shadow far behind. The glimmer of your halo adorns your hair of gold which forever shines caressing your feathered wings that envelop me with warmth. At the feet of our Heavenly Father I’d lay my every breath to salvage even just a flake of dander that snows down from your angel’s wing. For you I’d strum a harp until my fingers bled to hear Heaven’s host of choirs sing their echoes for us to dance to.  
But why cross the pearly gates now into eternity when Heaven here on Earth lays softly in your arms?

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