The melodies within the soul Can accelerate the hours, Songs to God about his love And all His wondrous powers. No foolish thoughts cloud the mind
So slow the years wandered by When life first placed my toes in… But now, I believe, the clock run… For each year is gone before I th… JE Falcon
The Dragonfly Zips along the river’s edge Its wings make the sound of the be… It hovers For a moment
“The Sleeper” has docked Near the schooner, “Lanore,” As “The Raven” steams north Past the fog laden shore. “The Bells” on the buoys
Fiddle A. Dee, the hopping flea Hopped right onto the dog. The dog scratched here, The dog scratched there, Then the flea hopped on a Hog.
Renewed The odd lights flicker Along the midways set in sand. Cobblestones And melodious tones
The Skylight’s Pink. There’s a H… In the mist and the morning shadow… Love and life, like a sculptures k… Has carved a world of sorrows. Grieving Blue, if all you knew
The disconcerted Porcupine, Waddles it’s way across the manicu… Paying no mind to the Calico Cat That learned it’s lesson weeks ago… Mockingbirds chase their siblings
Grandma has a washtub And she calls it Belly-Round, It’s extra thick, galvanized, And it’s never let her down. Sometimes it’s a stool
As dreams take flight in another s… That does not come by way of eyes; In twilight dreams and deeper scen… Are heard the screams and mournful… Some dreams ring true from out of…
A few hours Into the day’s renewing A light goes on And the coffee’s brewing The alarm goes off
A Limerick written for fun is a Limerick seldom undone, And if it is funny then it’s right on the money. A pound of chuckles is worth a Pu…
What is the difference between an Irishman and a liar? The liar is full of deceit, the Irishman is full of blarney...! Question: How many Irishman does it take to change a light-bulb...
Hig-ah-la-digly, round and wiggly, Curles, dimples and apple pie, Running ‘round the running rooms, Connecting with all, that aren’t s… Hig-ah-la-digly, round and wiggly,
The breezes carried the scent of h… To the nose, to the nostrils, of t… And she bounded for the trees, wit… Right past the cows and the sway-b… She dined with them, daily, near t…