A few hours Into the day’s renewing A light goes on And the coffee’s brewing The alarm goes off
“Peter Piper picked a peck of pic… Peter Piper COULD NOT have pi… The tongue twister should be, (Pe… After all, if Peter Piper partici…
The hourglass turns Yet the candle still burns And the heart quietly yearns In the body near the fireplace On a cold and quiet night.
Legends— Stories— and Fairy-tales Windblown ships with clouds for sa… Hummingbirds——in Hives——like bees And ghostly pirates on the seven s… Wicked Witches and fairy godmothe…
Billy Snide took the evening tide To the land of New Beginnings He took his heart, he took his dog… And he took his Lottery winnings. It wasn’t far past his former haun…
Tis the night of the Purple Rose When the Leopard seeks a place to… In the shepherd’s garden she finds… And into its branches she shall le… And into its branches she does lea…
Captain Sigh had mud in his eye And a patch hung over the other. His Daddy was a Spanish Pirate As well as his Mother and brother… On the seven seas he artfully sail…
Oh woe is me, I’m a Pine you see And Christmas has come my way. Past years weren’t bad; I was lim… So I was spared, to live another… But last year’s weather was so muc…
The child of eight opens the refri… and while looking inside at the gr… she asks, “Mom-ma, are we poor?
Just above graves there are distre… Caused by forces that have no cont… And they set about motions, like w… That linger in the air and snatch-… You can’t see or hear as the force…
“Ice Cream by the quart and an aged Tawny Port mellows the loss of a dream. But I’ve depleted petty cash for a lovely satin sash,
Down and ‘round, ’round and down, Three brave souls went creeping In darkened halls and dim-lit stai… Their squinting eyes were peeping. Beatrice Fly saw the Master’s hea…
Yesterday, I heard Greatness call… But it was actually asking, “Who… I thought for sure my star was ris… But it was held to the earth by mo… The glue is a blending of wanton l…
Finius Frog Flew Feverishly Forw… Following Fellow Flier Fickelste… Formations Fashioned From Flying… Furnish Flux, Frequently Facilit… First Fashioned For Fun, Fulker…
This is a story of gardens that gr… Love, inspired, by the seeds that… A story of power and a magical bal… A story of lovers who hastened the… I’ll start out this story with Pr…