Dani Davis


And when you realise
In a few months
Like they all
That once again
I’m just somebody that you once knew
I hope you hold yourself tight
And whisper so polite that it’s alright
Like I would of done
Because i though you the sun and I was your moon
But really it was the opposite for us too
Because I gave you so much and while I got some back
It never was the same as the love I once had
When id be just so happy to just be myself
You may have loved me
Maybe once you even cared.
But don’t you dare say you loved me the same way my dear
Don’t you dare say you cared like I did with you while I worshipped the ground like what the fuck why haven’t I found
The type of love that I write of when I’m the poet
Maybe I’m just the villain and I didn’t know it
So in a few months when I’m back to my ways
Getting attention and praise
That I don’t want from anyone but someone who loved
I won’t ask that your happy because you really hurt me
So when you finally need me again don’t text me like you did to break my heart
Just deal with the fact your the reason we are apart
Just accept that the heart I gave you might be repaired, but it’s no longer yours and it may never be theirs.

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