Transcending Unraveler

Phoenix of Self

I’m not that great at loving myself...
CORRECTION: I am learning the art of self love.
How we speak to ourselves, our internal dialogue,
is so crucial to our self-worth.
From these thoughts come the actions.
And with these actions we create and sustain pathways in our brain.
This contributes to how we think.
It’s a circle, a cycle... a circular cycle of interconnection.
Few things in life are linear and separate.
Depending on the nature of our thoughts
this cycle can entrap us in dark clouds of negativity. —
“A grey wall now, clawed and bloody, is there no way out of the mind?”
wrote Sylvia Plath, a great writer with a gentle soul, who ended her own life at the age of thirty. —
OR it can liberate us into a state of bliss, surrounded by light.
I think of the Dalai Lama when he said,
“Happiness is determined more by one’s state of mind than by external events.”
So in learning the art of self love,
I am simultaneously training my mind...
The difficulty feels insurmountable at times.
Like climbing mountains without break for days on end.
Trusting in patience...
what an annoying concept,
but absolutely necessary if I am to have compassion for myself
as I continue this transformation.
The phoenix of Self...


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