Transcending Unraveler

In Sane In Me

Human clashing to loud music
Orchestrating the environment
Into a house of play
We won’t be here one day
and that’s the point
We won’t always know what to say
Toke a joint
and hear the words escape
Silly little things
Creating worlds
called Ideas
Silence is a mind’s trick
Embrace the noise
Which way do your arms fly
when you let them go?
Feet stay attached
to wild legs
Don’t worry,
not about that
Another camera flash
Another moment passed
The cymbals crash
Bodies Swing
Freedom sings
from childhood dreams
Being fulfilled
on wooden floors
Made of
Be yourself
Opening doors
to see your demons
Dancing in Hell
and knowing
You’re grooving
alongside them
In this place of freedom
Angels are the guitar strings
Inspiring the expansion of beings
Replace guitar strings with
microphones, yoga mats,
dirty hands,
morning dew on sleepy eyes
a two-wheeled ride
powered by movement
Becoming found in the unknown...
I’m not done yet.
I’m not done yet.
I’m not done yet.
Stop asking.

This poem was inspired by a friendly mosh pit I witnessed at a show.

Autres oeuvres par Transcending Unraveler...
