Wind screams silently Leaves shiver Why learn distance? Thoughts. Stay.
Like fire I’ll spark passion within your hea… alive and bright! Like water I’ll rinse you of insecurity and f…
Going further for longer periods o… —cheating perfection by allowing expectation to fall along the shores of suppos… a territory whose waters enslave r…
The older I get the more articula… What is the wind saying? Hey dude, I hate everything you d… Hating you won’t make you suck any… Hating you won’t make me suck any…
The trees... They soak up the carbon dioxide I… as well as the inner turmoil I exp… They release oxygen for me to brea… as well as loving guidance for me…
Please, Child, don’t be angry wit… And you don’t have to be angry wit… Anger is an emotion, just like the… sadness, excitement, confusion, &… Emotions exist to help guide you t…
If beauty permeated the earth the way we wished it did... on a concentrated level like a jar packed tight with firef… could the beauty be recognized?
center “I’m just gonna play what I wanna… cause it feels good to do that.” Funk yeah, Beth! Funk yeah!
Whoa! Is this happening? Awareness of fear to the point of… Realizing limitations and their im… The mind can be a concrete wall
This is it. LIFE. The twists and the turns, the highs and the lows. For better or for worse.
I’m not that great at loving mysel… CORRECTION: I am learning the… How we speak to ourselves, our int… is so crucial to our self-worth. From these thoughts come the actio…
If there is one thing that could m… it is the aum. Aum, the resonating sound from the… that symbolizes the birth of creat… touches the soul like no other sou…
Don’t trust the vision. It’s tainted with haves and have-n… possibilities lost with the percep… current reality obscured by lookin… the present moment thrown away
Creeping Creeping CREEPING through our minds! Dense fog
My breath was in my mind Focus on breathing Quickly leads to thinking Hot fire Over-stimuli