Cory Garcia

The Book

A challenge from Melancholy Daydreams to write about the object of my affection being a well read and worn book...

Winter is past approaching
The crunch of dead leaves
And frosted grass underfoot
I breathe in the icy air ... The icy air
Exhaling life itself
As my mind and flesh are sleeping
Surveying a landscape
Riddled with layers barren
Retracing yesterdays steps
And the babbling that they brook ... The babbling that they brook
I recall the GOD of the summer
As my mind and flesh are sleeping
With numb fingers barely grasping
I gather the pages of that life
Strewn about my frigid kingdom
Out of order yet easily revealed ... So easily revealed
Binding them all together
As my mind and flesh are sleeping
Book in hand
Slight grin with blue eyes kindled
I return within my castles walls
Which long for heat ... They long for heat
And a heart in tune with passions beat
As my mind and flesh are sleeping
Reclining now upon the rug
Where my greatest songs were sung
I take my life in my own hands
Shred its binding page by page ... Page by page
Burning them all for warmth
As my mind and flesh are sleeping
Joined now by a new lovers touch
In passions bold embrace
She smokes the lessons of my past
Shes craving my lifes story ... Craving my lifes story
Desireously she takes me in
As my mind and flesh are sleeping
As my mind and flesh are sleeping ... As my mind and flesh are sleeping

-Hid a little poem when reading only the few words just following each ellipsis

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Autres oeuvres par Cory Garcia...
