Concepcion Macuto


Unopen Love Letter

I do cherish all the moments we created
And loving you becomes deeper and deeply deeper mated
Saying “ i love you” is not enough to prove it to you...
But all the meaning to define love i offer it to you
Since we met and reciprocated this love that very day
From the bottom of my heart in sincerely way.
I feel you to be my other half forever..
To be my king and my loving buddy, my sweetest lover Forever... i will give all my caressess
My tender love and faithfulness
We come together in prayers for the fulfilment of this love.
We seek the guidance of the Lord, and that makes us more stronger To go moving forward to learn things for the betterment of our relationship
For all of this... I love you more.
Loving you more than anything else and everything about us
I Love you more sweetheart        Forever... we hold on together.... Alvin Littleman
“ Now, I treasured  the promises  only within my heart ”
© Concepcion G. Macuto

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