
Yearning to be a grandparent and angered because your kids refuse your wish?

By Stanley Collymore
Another spin on this story of the
mother angered because her
two daughters are clearly
resolutely determined that they don’t want
any children, therefore basically depriving
her of the grandchildren, she obsessively
wants is obviously this! It’s actually, their
lives, not your own, that you simply lived
as you wanted to. So sensibly accord to
them the same right of choice! Besides,
the reality generally is, that people, who
theoretically, would actually undeniably
make discernibly superb parents aren’t
having children, while generally, clearly
those who actually and rather logically
shouldn’t be having them, quite simply
because they quite clearly can’t afford
them or basically too crucially haven’t
the requisite skills to bring them up to
be discernibly, fully functioning adults
who actually contribute to the society
which they’re in are, most usually, the
very ones, who’re obviously distinctly,
popping them out rather prodigiously
left, right and centre! And discernibly,
a state of affairs, which doesn’t bode
well, very obviously so, for the actual
future of any such quite feral country.
(C) Stanley V. Collymore
1 November 2024.

Author's Remarks:
Being alone is neither relative to nor being the same as being lonely! Since rather realistically you can actually be part of a large family and still find yourself quite lonely.

And to obsessed wannabe grannies it's clearly time for a reminder! You very evidently, simply lived your life the way that you wanted to, thus your children are likewise rather entitled to do the same. So crucially get over this distinctly selfish obsession of yours!

#SelfEntitlement #Selfishness

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