
Why are sexual emotions usually so annoyingly problematic?

By Stanley Collymore
Physically my body tells me that I want you but rather
contradictorily my mind confidently questions the
necessity of my actually needing you sexually.
Which frankly puts me in quite an awkward
dilemma obviously. Whether to selfishly
comply with the urgent and lascivious requirements
of my distinctly prevailing and absorbing sexual
demands or else take full awareness of and,
in accordance with the adjuration of that
inner and insightful voice within my
mind, ethically and continuously
behave towards all women of
my individual association—
whether deserving of it or
not – with every relevant
capability of a cultured,
ingenious and a totally
selfless human being.
© Stanley V. Collymore
7 October 2019.

Author’s Remarks:
Sex, however it is conducted, does in one manner or the other constitute the origins of us all as Homo sapiens. Nevertheless, though essentially a natural form for good it can also, and not uncommonly so, be an absolute bane in the lives of many, as well as a tragic and utterly degrading aspect in the personal and everyday lives of countless millions of unfortunate people worldwide.

But contrary to the customarily propagandized, conveniently assumed, popularly accredited, and the mistakenly held belief that it’s principally and even exclusively those of the male gender who are characteristically responsible for these abysmal and predatory sexual aberrations, let it to the contrary be clearly and unequivocally stated that females: or every social and educational background; racial, ethnic and national origins; as well as ideological beliefs or none whatsoever, are every bit as sadistically prone to predatory and other sexual misconduct as their male counterparts obviously are.


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