Author's Remarks:
Harry and Meghan clearly adore each other, a state of affairs that you racists can't handle in your pathetic lives, so you actually conjure up fantasies or invariably realities that obviously and undoubtedly, rather discernibly pertain to your own pathetic lives and because you truly cannot deal with them, ostensibly and literally likewise foist them on to Harry and Meghan!
Meanwhile, because of the sycophants that you quite unquestionably are to those whom you endemically regard as undoubtedly your societal betters you put William and Kate now up on contrived pedestals, too blind and also dumb to realize that what they seek to odious and vilely display as love between themselves just isn't there. It's really, absolutely distinctly pathetic! And essentially even the royal loving media although slowly are nonetheless clearly beginning to wake up and smell the coffee, as these two who you fatuously hero worship, in reality don't even live together. And the clearly obvious expression on Charlotte's face wasn't one of basic admiration witnessing her father on top of her mother lovingly kissing her, but total puzzlement and confusion at observing him doing something she's not accustomed in reality observing him naturally doing at home, yet making a right spectacle of himself clearly in front of the camera and purely for publicity! Showing she has more awareness than all of you purblind sycophants lumped together!
Self-evidently the UK is no longer a Christian country since the majority of its people have turned away from the Church die to a marked lack of leadership on the part of those who are ...