Author's Remarks:
Charles Windsor has always been a thoroughly disappointing and a discernibly rather weak though, as well, an obviously self-entitled and distinctively, absolutely obscenely wealthy and literally also privileged person; and it's relevant too to add a most conniving and malevolently malicious individual, as undeniably cowardly, sociopathic psychopaths invariably are!
Now, and evidently most asininely so, Charles is actually expected to be openly lauded as this pathetic, medieval mindset monarch aptly and quite unchallenged in situ by the apparent divine approbation and likewise the command of God Almighty. All this essentially, while casually and even rather blatantly so most conveniently overlooking and, as well, dismissing Charles's lecherous and clearly egregiously implemented adulterous conduct against his legitimate wife Diana.
And as if that wasn't in itself quite bad enough the serfs, as no truly intelligent person ridiculously will, similarly embrace Charles Windsor as the devout, Supreme Governor of the Church of England, as is also supposedly his inalienable right to be. A Christian church and likewise a devout religion where one of the cardinal concepts distinctly both of Christian theology and undeniably religious beliefs is: 'Thou shalt not commit adultery! '
A commandment that Charles has, together with his likemindedly and equally long-standingly adulterous mistress Camilla, now significantly and quite discernibly conveniently his second wife, in the wake of the demise of Diana Spencer; and who the Daily Mail, other rightwing rags and media, fervently endeavour in their ongoing hypocritical crusade, to risibly rehabilitate as the darling queen consort of Britain.
A woman who Charles specifically could have earlier married when he and she were both single and distinctly long before Diana was most duplicitously by these two revolting creatures calamitously and callously brought into their utterly sick and unquestionably likewise malevolently egregious game play; but basically instead evilly opted for adultery, rather than the laudable conventional decency of marriage!
A sickening game play that even now as a supposedly established married couple Charles Windsor and his former mistress Camilla uncharacteristically unlike most conventional spouses distinctly don't live together. But then his mother and father didn't either; for literally well in excess of 32 years!
And these are the sorts of people that highly intelligent, well educated and specifically too and equally discernibly mentally liberated folk are expected to know tow to and similarly worship? Feel free to do so all you want, but this enforcedly British born Bajan hasn't and most certainly isn't about to start now!
#Egotism #Greed #Hypocrisy