Author’s Remarks:
My Mum, bless her, has always insisted and robustly and convincingly instilled in my siblings and me from our earliest childhood that evil of whatever sort when detected and unmistakably recognized or acknowledged as such should unquestionably, unhesitatingly, unrelentingly and remorselessly be confronted and permanently destroyed by every means at our disposal, and that under no circumstances whatsoever should we ever make compromising overtures towards it.
And she exemplified this resolute and undeviating philosophy of hers by also telling us in the form of an analogy that if unsurprisingly or otherwise we encountered for instance a poisonous and therefore dangerous scorpion with both the capability and determined will to kill its selected victims, ourselves for argument sake, and it so happened that this scorpion was also the parent of several baby offspring that were dependent on this predatory killer that we shouldn’t allow sentiment for these baby scorpions to personally and irresponsibly intervene and consequently have them remain unmolested in our justified decision to murder their progenitor, since these baby scorpions if accorded that dispensation will eventually grow up into adult ones and in like manner behave precisely like their parent(s). So it was not only best but also judicious to wipe them out entirely as well.
And steadfastly adhering to my Mum’s advice that’s precisely how I feel about Tony Blair, Gordon Brown, their respective family members and all the similar lowlife, warmongering, war criminal, crimes against humanity, white exceptionalist, Labtory and endemically racist, Nazi Zionist and Yid scum who infest and infect not only the Labour Party and its NEC but also the entirety of the United Kingdom!
And consequently from a personal perspective I have neither a problem nor for that matter any reservation whatsoever in explicitly stating, as I’ve done on other occasions before, that with a corrupt judicial system in place in the UK and itself compounded by a plethora of nepotistic and cronyism lawyers in both House of Parliament that are all closely interlinked with each other, and a system reinforced by the transparent revolving door that facilitates these bent and criminal lawyers that make absolutely sure that none of their kind will ever find themselves in the dock far less so doing prison time, that the only resolution in place of this marked lack of justice is to kill ever fucking one of them and their offspring as my Mum suggested must be the case with scorpions.
And to that effect I’m wholeheartedly in favour of that and will lend every support that I can to facilitate the necessary process of cleaning up this stinking Augean Stables that is Britain! And if as a result the police, security services, the cap-doffing, brainless and manipulated assholes that are too totally brain-dead to even see what’s happening to their country, they would have you believe, can’t stomach what I say and am firmly committed to, then I really don’t have to tell you what to do with yourselves, do I? Since you’re already fully cognizant of that!