
The UK media are in the Windsors’ pockets! And both as criminally corrupt as the other!

By Stanley Collymore

The British so-called royal family was jealous, and evidently felt threatened, requisite their deeply entrenched and abhorrent delusional white master race superiority but Meghan’s popularity: a state of affairs that instinctively caused this physically unattractive and clearly highly dysfunctional, very incestuously inbred mafia-like family to distinctively conspire to create the kind of nasty and very insidious conditions that would in effect cause Meghan to essentially want to leave, and which she ultimately did.

Fast forward to the present and clearly in the meantime, we actually have one of those premier racist individuals that were personally, immensely, and evilly involved in this odiously vile and racist stratagem, Kate Middleton, supposedly I’ll but no one crucially distinctly saying what is specifically or even realistically wrong with her if indeed there’s bugger all wrong, with this bone idle lazy cow!

And in a marriage which is discernibly on the rocks and actually kaput in very real terms, it just wouldn’t surprise me at all if her supposed “illness” wasn’t as a direct consequence of domestic abuse from the sociopathic psychopath and as well undeniably closet, Philip Schofield type husband who this typical, Yid gold digger obsessively stalked, until she did manage, with his own grandmother Liz Windsor’s encouragement that Kate, in essence, would make the ideal Stepford wife and broodmare relative to the key continuance of the Firm, which literally is all that these odiously, fucking Saxe-Coburg-Gothe-Mountbatten-Windsor do think about, that after a decade of really holding off and even actually dumping Kate Middleton quite a few times in the process, that heir William – alias Philip Schofield – Windsor, did succumb, and ultimately married  the very inimitable stalker and clearly nasty piece of work, Waity Katie!

But with a media distinctly handsomely financially paid to literally keep stumm about all this while diverting you scum serfs, peasants and rather laughably as you describe yourselves as commoners relative to these “adoring royals” it’s so pathetic to actually, simply distinctively see you being so cynically and basically contemptuously used and the evidently brainwashed morons you undoubtedly are, loving every moment of it!

Still, there’s always Harry, Meghan and their, in your unquestionably quite sick minds, non-existent children to actually keep you brain dead pillocks essentially happy, while those that use you, simply carry on gleefully laughing at you; and why wouldn’t they?

(C) Stanley V. Collymore
15 March 2024.

Author's Remarks:
An apt Barbadian saying: "Ambition is one thing; arrogance is totally another, and the two are never compatible!

Britain is discernibly very much so, a virtually intractable feudal mind-set country, where its plethora of not all that bright, deeply class entrenched, serfs, subjects, plebeians and useless commoners who quite pathetically see themselves as such, instinctively and unquestionably, avidly look up rather uncritically to their supposed superior, hereditary and distinctively also quite perceived as monarchical betters; and in doing so, like the undoubtedly rather fatuous, intellectually challenged, but evidently delusional, dim-witted clowns that they unquestionably are, naturally and obsessively, effectively spend their very puerile, obviously shallow and, as well, simply and largely unproductive lives trying to emulate these aforesaid people whom they worship!

Obviously and distinctly so, the likes of these monarchical, Saxe-Coburg-Gothe and Mountbatten Windsors: hardened murderers, vile grotesque paedophiles, licentiously and massively recurrent in extremis adulterers; rabidly incestuous in-breeders; hypocritical and similarly, brazenly double standards proponents for themselves and their undoubtedly, enamoured with kind, and a breed also of perniciously narcissistic and actually self-entitled morons, whose jealousy of those whom they perceive to be clearly and distinctly unquestionably, inferior to themselves - the characteristically as well as the quite undoubtedly, divinely ones chosen by God Almighty to clearly rule over the evidently and subservient masses of the lower classes - manifestly knows no bounds!

Which sickeningly sees them blatantly and brazenly, audaciously treat these said perceived inferiors as the actually self-sacrificing lemmings that they truly are and clearly love being so. And very obviously to keep this said momentum going, the Windsors, simply obviously, like all of their predecessors routinely but obviously selectively hand out their respective, in essence meaningless, but to these enamoured serfs, doubtlessly precious gongs to keep these plebeians and perverse commoners on side; just like paedophiles, and which several of these monarchical and hereditary types are, at handing out sweets and the like to pre-pubescent kids in concerted and often successful bids to sexually exploit and subsequently dispose of them!

That's your monarchy then, obviously attendant with the odious clowns that you significantly are; and, essentially, from my personal perspective you're quite welcome to each other!

Finally, to those of you who haven't as yet come across or read one of my very latest poems: The Majesty of Death", I suggest that you do so. It can be found on my regular global sites. The reason that I'm suggesting you read it is that it gives an in-depth insight into the views I hold and why I hold them. And clearly that nothing I write is ever actually in any shape or form to curry favour: but quite essentially with my Bajan culture to rather fearlessly and unquestionably bluntly and obviously honestly, openly tell the truth, totally regardless of who is simply on the receiving end of it!

#Greed #Racism

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