

By Stanley Collymore
Just imagine the numerous inventions, scientific and
medical breakthroughs, educational and social
advances, health improvements and even a
wider and more informative awareness
plus the attendant appreciation that
would consequentially follow in the wake of all of
this if our world that we live in, yet some 80%
of which we literally don’t have a clue of
what actually goes on there, we were
all of us – individually as well as
collectively – to sensibly and
also plausibly productively
employ our respective willpower and
inborn abilities so as to effectively
and agreeably harness most, if
not all, of the energy which
we either heartlessly or
maliciously invest in
the repugnant and
very terrified of
called hate.
And instead convert the latter’s destructive power,
ruinous energy and its debilitating influence
into positive attributes more fitting for
and hence exceptionally more advantageous to
the advancement of all mankind, the world
in general which we reside in, as well
as the unadulterated establishment
and important foundation of a
knowledgeable future for
generations of human
beings yet unborn.
© Stanley V. Collymore
17 October 2019.

Author’s Remarks:
It doesn’t require any intelligence or astute planning to learn how to hate or otherwise deploy that acquired hatred unwarrantedly against others; and in that sick process do so belligerently, with malice aforethought and, most odiously, maliciously and perversely inimically towards ordinary folk innocently going about their everyday business whom the obtuse hater simply may have happened to come across, as well as persons that they’ve never met, are unlikely ever to do so and, therefore, certainly don’t know.

So why those who rather liberally, as it happens, indulge in this largely tutored, and invariably from birth, hare-brained and completely pointless exercise in terms of the marked lack of any verifiable intelligent rationale for doing so nevertheless still indulge in their asinine pursuits?

In a simple and straightforward sentence – a distinctive lack of self-worth that imbues every segment of their educationally dumbed-down, intellectually challenged and lowlife existence that they’re fully cognizant is a noticeable characteristic of who and what they actually are but haven’t the perspicacity to do anything about it. So, instead, they actively and rather fixatedly look for scapegoats to vent their destructive spleen on.

And in their rife and discernibly pathetic delusion that they’re far better than anything they will or could ever realistically amount to anyone whom they perceive as different from themselves – to coin a colloquial expression “gets it in the neck”. And, additionally, becomes a prime and persistent target for egregious and unjustifiable malice!


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