
The pursuit of Happiness!

By Stanley Collymore
The road to personal happiness
can sometimes be undeniably
and evidently very perilously
unexpectedly long, irrefutably arduous,
discernibly unpredictable, and actually
rather distinctively accursedly plagued
with numerous difficulties. But clearly
with patience the benefits crucially of
such a journey, literally obviously and
also very irritatingly pockmarked with
numerous, unquestionably obviously
and distinctly, actually unpredictable
difficulties although evidently simply
long, and seemingly unending is not
infrequently, thoroughly beneficially,
and simply very likewise delightedly
enhanced by an effectively crucially
and actually, handsomely rewarded
bonus of irrefutably and essentially
justifiable expectations specifically
acquired, through the very stoically
held approach of patiently waiting!
(C) Stanley V. Collymore
25 July 2024.

Author's Remarks:
There's only one inevitability in Life, and that is Death! Happiness, meanwhile, is like breathing, it's instinctive and either happens or it doesn't. And if you have to explain what Happiness is, then it's clearly obvious that you’re effectively deluding yourself and others regarding what it actually is. For like breathing you don't have to prove it's actually there or really occurring.


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