Author's Remarks:
There's nothing self-evidently to stop fatuous morons from being their own worst enemies; and regrettably the UK and USA are top in the league amongst such evidently intellectually challenged morons.
And what I find most soul-destroying as really regards education in Britain, is that those who are amongst the most stalwart supporters of the ulterior form of purportedly effectively top notch education which quite patently it is not in the UK, are the very people who discernibly have no intellectual skills whatsoever. But, in essence, they avidly support it and principally so because it's an intrinsic part of the literally feudal cum hierarchical and class entrenched system that these sycophantic serfs are very deep and endemically inured in and that also for them is what quite pathetically, from their distinctly feral and utterly meaningless lives, makes Britain to them, but quite laughably to all truly intelligent persons, "great".
#Greed #SelfEntitlement