
Take your time Wills– no rush!

By Stanley Collymore

Didn’t some of you monarchical sycophants like the racist and pseudonym named Politok 101 in the Daily Mail, allegedly of Noorico South Africa, and still daringly, asininely I would say with their avowedly racist views, living in post-apartheid South Africa, get the memo that briefly William is temporarily, purportedly going back to work? Curiously there’s more about Meghan and her jam enterprise than there’s actually about William, some of the latter’s royalist fans are openly gloating that in their, my interpretation of things sick minds, the said William is purposely in this rare work enterprise of his is worthily and deliberately upstaging Meghan. Whatever turns some people on I guess!

Undoubtedly the article is not about Meghan and basically William going back to work has nothing to do with her; but you know what it’s like with these dunderheads; ought about the so-called royals is quite essentially rather boring without inserting Meghan, one way or t’other, in the said article; so nothing new there! But William simply upstaging Meghan? Give over! You’re making yourselves look even more stupid than you lot essentially are; which is overstating the obvious!

Interestingly enough though, while you quite indisputably intellectually challenged sort do love attacking Meghan, she’s actually creating her own living, and not simply like her free loading in-laws forced out of acute embarrassment engendered by a very increasingly dismayed British public into doing some “work”– well what they classify their activities as anyway.

And out of curiosity you monarchical worshippers might like to know this. Your inheritance billionaire William is becoming richer by the day, since any person in Cornwall or Wales who thus passes into the next world – in actual essence kicks the bucket – without in actuality leaving a will, does distinctly by default bequeath their assets and estates to the marvellous William and his wife, likemindedly Waity Kate! It’s called bona vacantia; is quite feudal in its origin and precepts and irrefutably it seems very appropriate for a Feudal Britain ensconced in the 21st Century.

(C) Stanley V. Collymore
16 April 2024.

Author's Remarks:
Greater love hath no one than distinctly feudal Brits who'll undeniably sacrifice everything they unquestionably, simply have for their monarchical masters and mistresses!

#Greed #SelfEntitlement

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