By Stanley Collymore He’s white, British, sixty two ye… Oxfordshire England with his fema… year-old daughter; oh and in case… name is Kevin Sheehan. Kevin to t…
By Stanley Collymore There are obviously some very positive people around, who in their own country along with others globally who commendab…
By Stanley Collymore I never wanted to be a parent havi… time that I can remember being sex… biological father who although he… my mother, and never did marry her…
By Stanley Collymore I most definitely am not one for h… grudges and don’t much care for ac… or belittling arguments that tend,… than not, to be gratuitous and bel…
By Stanley Collymore Good riddance to bad rubbish I sa… that you’re no longer here amongst… egotistical and class ingrained co… unwarrantedly into the faces of ot…
By Stanley Collymore It’s a great pity that Nature allows so many people to so randomly reproduce but unfortunately obviously does n…
By Stanley Collymore I much prefer my own company; it’s… personal choice, for I like the pe… that it evidently affords me. The… to hear myself think and not have…
By Stanley Collymore Having thoroughly and honestly discussed your reasons for not wanting to actually have children at anytime clearly d…
By Stanley Collymore How does it feel Tony Blair, Gor… Alistair Campbell, Margaret Beck… Geoff Hoon, Harriet Harman and y… runt, George Robertson among the…
By Stanley Collymore Due to successful endeavours and a phenomenal number of requests for me to do so I’ll be franchising my
By Stanley Collymore We had never met each other before and so consequently therefore, quite honestly didn’t know each other at all; yet
By Stanley Collymore You weren’t planned it’s true and… to you was white and your father B… an engaged woman. However, her per… self-evident initially as she neve…
By Stanley Collymore That inestimable quality that everyone, well undoubtedly largely everybody, clearly most fervently and obsessively lik…
By Stanley Collymore William has barely been seen since December 2023 but rather interestingly so the country has still very effecti…
By Stanley Collymore The problem for these serf sycopha… Kate Middleton and the feudal, Br… monarchical system is that Kate doesn’t get any attention or lever…