Author's Remarks:
Quite nauseating and equally pathetic these undoubtedly racist, master race and equally stupid Empire loyalists' reactions to Britain relinquishing its illegal and abhorrent hold on the Chagos Islands by an unsurprisingly, distinctly dim-witted and very intellectually challenged surfeit of very evidently mother fucking idiots that last week crucially hadn't even heard of the Chagos Islands and surely now quite obviously simply wouldn't be able to locate them on a physical global or clearly any distinguishable international map. Yet, are vitriolically condemning the current UK Labour Government for diminishing their own British sovereignty.
Ironically when many of these prized cunts are British only in name and haven't a clue, the vast majority of them, who their actual biological parentage is; and why Long Lost Families is such the evidently successful TV programme that it is.
Pillocks, the lot of them, who want an all- white Britain and even likewise the same in the case of Europe, and moreover having no immigrants or migrants setting foot in the UK; but too dumb to see the irony of Britain illegally holding on to the Chagos Inlands as it financially exploited them through its vile colonialist deal with the USA, and distinctly ethnically cleansing the Chagossians from their indigenous homeland! While actually obviously seeing nothing wrong with their lot hanging on to genocidally acquired New Zealand, Australia, Canada and the USA, as they themselves and their bastard offspring have no problem, and arrogantly see it as a bounden duty if they truly want to, to freely emigrate to these said countries where the indigenous inhabitants, now a minority, very discernibly have no say! Hypocrisy or what?