
Gary Lineker a genuine Brit and quite discernibly also, a man of high stature!

By Stanley Collymore
So there are some of you, effectively
actually intellectually challenged,
brainwashed and invariably
braindead; also, as well, similarly and rather
thoroughly gullible and toxically verminous
scum; readily and simply easily led by your
noses, and with others wholly in charge of
that course of action, as you quite eagerly
at their behest quite actively, jump on this
evidently quite orchestrated, anti-BBC but
specifically rather in this case, really Gary
Lineker’s bandwagon, very vilely churning
out the distinctly identically, meaningless
crap with quite pathetically and distinctly
discernibly no noticeable variation, since
you’re rather incapable of any such thing
that you’re not obviously programmed to
say, from within the really inner sanctum
of your echo chamber as though anyone
with a modicum of commonsense, clear
integrity or a basically full knowledge of
the real world rather divorced from your
make belief and pernicious one, literally
really cares or wastes precious time on
what you’re discernibly, self-pitying and
undoubtedly, fatuously raving on about.
Garry Lineker is a great guy who earned
his place to fame, unlike you largely
incompetent dole recipients
garnering your plethora of bastards, which is
hardly surprising, as is clearly, self-evidently
the case, very specifically huge numbers of
you truly, don’t even know, who biologically
brought you Into this world, as your mums
rather freely and hurriedly gave you up, as
soon as they’d really distinctively spewed
you out of their wombs leaving others, or
the state to literally rescue and take care
of you. The more fortunate amongst you
adopted or fostered the literal remainder
brought up in care homes! Idiots galore;
and like the easily led prats that you are
having convinced yourselves, literally at
the behest of others, that it’s effectively
the 18th Century, that you’re essentially
in and Britain still rules the waves. Very
wrong morons; it’s discernibly, the 21st
one! And the world– owes you nothing!
(C) Stanley V. Collymore
6 October 2024.

Author's Remarks:
I'll be succinct! Comparing yourselves to Gary Lineker is like an English village cricketer very well, effectively doing the same with the great Gary Sobers. And morally, something you very clearly have no cognisance of, is undoubtedly multiple degrees evidently below that of Gary Lineker. In essence truly like comparing a slug with Usain Bolt! Get where I'm coming from?

As a Black, Afro-Caribbean Briton myself, I wholehearted support Garry Lineker in the very moralistic, sensible and intelligent actions and pursuits that he individually undertakes. In every respect a very intelligent and commendable human being; and if all white and purportedly British citizens, or subjects as most of you like to regard yourselves, were half the moralistic and truly altruistic individuals as Garry Lineker undoubtedly is; the country that you collectively infest with your discernibly pathetic, racist and embedded antiquated colonialist attitudes wouldn’t now be fraught with so many problems. Garry Lineker, myself and others who can and do think for ourselves because we have functioning brains that we use and allow us to do so, perceptibly and undoubtedly live in the 21st Century! Why don’t you try that approach yourselves, instead of asininely regarding yourselves as stalwart supporters of colonialist Britain? That state of affairs is long over, and no sensible person: Black, white, Asian or any other intelligent ethnic group is going to ever allow it to return, so why don’t you start growing up, assuming that you can, and get real lives!


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