
Should the same trolling rules apply equally to Meghan or just be exclusive to Saint Kate Middleton?

By Stanley Collymore
You’re bigotedly, really spewing
out your vile and shit garbage
rather appropriately through
your putrid ass Brendon O’Neill and like
the distinctively obvious, and evidently
kiss-me-ass, really obtuse and literally
customarily; specifically incestuously
inbred, anglophile Paddy, too fucking
dumb as the risibly patently pathetic
and undeniably, lowlife scum moron
that you fittingly and very irrefutably
are, to even realize it; as actually so
even this simply undoubtedly, evilly
and evidently brazenly egotistically
puerilely virtue signalling, faux pas
outrage of yours, really cobbled up
for this so crucially quite distinctly
odiously and thoroughly sick, race
baiting and self-evidently, prurient
rag, that vile cunts discernibly like
yourself Brendan O’Neill, and also
clearly, similarly likeminded scum
happily work for; obviously rather
bluntly, has absolutely nothing to
do with either fair play, or literally
the bullied targeted person’s fate
but essentially gaining relevance
and money too through clickbait.
But say anything you like about
Meghan, as she’s fair game!
So here’s what I do think!
Kate Middleton directly benefits from
the money that’s literally confiscated
undeniably by the UK Government to
support the Monarchy. Yet distinctly
these antiquatedly, clearly so-called
royals, more appropriately basically
feudal overlords actually obscenely
ensconced undoubtedly in the 21st
Century; obviously firmly keep their
evidently perceived subjects, serfs,
plebeians and also unquestionably
their overtly and specifically overly
fawning sycophants in the dark as
to Kate’s actual genuine diagnosis
and prognosis! Frankly and simply
rather sensibly there would clearly
be basically no actual speculation
if the evilly, Kensington Palace PR
morons obviously informed those
of us truthfully paying Kate’s bills:
undoubtedly the British taxpayers
of what’s effectively simply going
on. Not actually hard to obviously
work out for an intelligent person.
(C) Stanley V. Collymore
2 June 2024.

Author's Remarks
Unquestionably, marrying into this British monarchical family, as Kate Middleton so assiduously sought and evidently similarly succeeded in doing, essentially makes her public property; and thus being supposedly poorly or otherwise, doesn't actually entitle her to prescriptive anonymity!

Regardless of what sycophantic, obviously monarchical and clearly relevance seeking, and thoroughly hypocritical, purblind cunts like you Brendon O'Neill, fatuously think!

Additionally, a timely induction, Brendon O’Neill to the self-evidently paucity of your own education. Consequently, and assuming that you’re capable of doing so, I earnestly do suggest that you extensively research on the purposely and malignantly British induced famine in Ireland and the disastrous consequences that it quite knowingly beforehand would have, and comprehensively did so, on the indigenous Irish population. Should be an eye opener for a British sycophantic, anglophile Paddy clearly like yourself. And while you’re at it perhaps you’d like to encourage another evilly vile asshole by the name of Maureen Callaghan employed by this same rag which you work for to do the same.

#Hatred #Sycophancy

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