Author's Remarks:
This poem is dedicated to all the English speaking, and purportedly for many of you, Anglophile women across the entirety of Britain, Ireland, convict-inured mind-set, and most asininely delusional Terra nullius Australia; likewise Canada, New Zealand and the United States of America – which I was logically and responsibly historically led to believe at school was very genuinely a Republic that in 1776 supposedly won its independence from colonialist Britain; but on reflection, and looking at that country now in the 21st Century with apparently all of these rather obviously unquestionably, and most alarmingly evidently, distinctly supposedly, brownnosingly fawning, USA enamoured serfs enthralled by the British monarchy, and who obviously apparently cannot get enough of them - well certainly accordingly to the likes of the Daily Mail; quite discernibly so, my erudite teachers at school, my university lecturers and equally myself through my own independent and astute research clearly got that wrong! (LOL)! Anyway, these citizens or plebeians, call them what you will, whose womenfolk seem to obviously think that whatever their bodies are specifically for, it sure as Hell isn’t conventional, conscionable and also equally acceptable mothering, born of the naturally genuinely true love between two conspicuously, undeniably responsible and caring human beings; with essentially each of them rather distinctively of the opposite sex from the other.
Therefore, to each and every one of you I most sincerely hope that you get in full measure and possibly consider more, what we Bajans say to and about such narcissistically, repulsive persons – what you actually deserve and more besides! All this as you willingly and most selfishly very eagerly embark up that undeniably deeply, psychologically ingrained and irrefutably characteristic and quite specifically social climbing - even attendant with its stalking propensities – distinctly pole positioning of yours; which you’re so very avariciously financially, but otherwise totally useless conspicuously at anything else other than rather literally using your bodies whoringly for substantial financial gain and fatuously instilled societal advancement - after!
Self-evidently the UK is no longer a Christian country since the majority of its people have turned away from the Church die to a marked lack of leadership on the part of those who are ...