
Rich landowners aren’t necessarily farmers!

By Stanley Collymore
An excellent job undertaken Rachel
Reeves; so thoroughly well done
and likewise effectively keep
going with more of the same! Frankly, and
most unequivocally also, I quite obviously
rather distinctly, simply don’t actually feel
the least bit sorry for the vast majority of
these evidently allegedly, British farmers,
significant numbers of whom are clearly
essentially, quite conspicuously, literally
undoubtedly, and rather unquestionably
discernibly wealthy landowners; literally
with crucially honest food production a
thoroughly miniscule concern for most
of them. And obviously put bluntly, you
were foremost amongst those actually
moronic Brexiteers, and odiously Little
Englanders who, rather ardently, voted
for Britain, to quit the European Union!
Much too bloody stupid and selfish to
actually realize what would ultimately
happen! Well to be rather honest with
you as the obviously xenophobic, vile
and fatuously although in your utterly
odiously selfish and literally moronic,
but discernibly, in your self-perceived
and very delusional ignorant analysis
of yourselves, you think you’re simply
not just God’s definitive gift to Britain
but similarly too the rest of humanity,
the indubitable and quite patronizing
pillocks, that you unquestionably are;
the last laugh is obviously on you! To
which I quite personally add a hearty
hooray as you simply now reap what
you so obviously, and really foolishly
sowed! And, as I simply observe you
literally wallow in your quite pathetic
self-pity very exuberantly on my part
welcome your actually long overdue
demise without an iota of sympathy
obviously unquestionably, from me!
(C) Stanley V. Collymore
7 November 2024.

Author's Remarks:
Farms should be genuinely productive elements in our society, not unwarrantedly owned and controlled by the so-called landed gentry, layabout so-called hierarchy and clearly an unelected, selfish, self-entitled and unaccountable monarchical family; who individually as well as collectively pay little and invariably no taxes unlike the rest of us, and assiduously ensures that stays like it is for them by hoarding their enormous wealth in off-shore bank accounts hidden from the rest of us, and naturally on which they rather callously pay no UK taxes; as put bluntly they don't give a toss about the likes of you and me.

If it's possible, as was the case in the past, to nationalize the railways, the water services and other key industries why not our farms; then lease them out to people or companies who know what farming is all about and who will both conscientiously and altruistically do the very best they can, indomitably so, for the British community universally and not simply themselves, as is recurrently the case, quite overwhelmingly with many of our key industries?

#Greed #SelfEntitlement

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