
Quos di volunt perdere, eos primum insaniunt! Ubi Corpus, Palatium Buckinghamius?

By Stanley Collymore
In a coma, dead, alive and kicking;
it’s all the same to me regarding
this evilly vile, quite verminous,
odious, white racist Karen, obsessively
stalking, basically perverse, irrefutably
social climbing, sick delusional white
supremacist; mercenary, gold digger
bitch! The British media, don’t admit
the truth, regarding their so beloved
and unquestionably valuable royals.
A clearly prime example being, that
the entire world knew all about Mrs
Simpson and Edward VIII, while the
UK press said not a word, until they
fucking well, really couldn’t cover it
up anymore. And why, because the
whole damn lot of them, back then
as now in this current situation are
nothing more than a bunch of sick,
deeply inured, actually arse licking
quite effusive monarchical Queers
and Dykes that are not in the least
at variance, in their marked dearth
and I’d aptly add, distinct absence
of actual morality and truth telling.
In every conceivable sense quite
discernibly indistinct from the
rabidly and so incestuously
inbred plus rather terminally, incessantly
dysfunctional Windsor family cunts that
these noxious and vastly pompous, but
visibly too, inescapably illiterate British
hacks obsessively worship, essentially
and simply unquestionably spurred on
obviously and irrefutably compellingly
for them by the real enticing prospect
of very feudally enshrined gongs, and
literally, meaningless titles to anyone,
that is, who’s obviously possessed of
any intellectual acumen and a simply
corresponding brain but which these
British hacks quite irrefutably simply
append significant relevance to; and
would undeniably readily and simply
cheerfully murder their mothers and
grandmothers, if in quite discernibly,
thoroughly, and markedly irrefutably
entrenched, bastardized Britain they
distinctly knew, who these sluts that
dumped them in bins, on doorsteps,
in filthy toilets, or literally gave them
up for adoption very unquestionably
either knew or know who they were!
(C) Stanley V. Collymore
2 February 2024.

Author's Remarks:
The rank stupidity, vile fatuous and, as well incredulous fawning from all you distinctly inured fawning morons is unquestionably to those who can't believe their eyes that in the 21st Century there can be such totally dim-witted assholes, rather unquestionably obviously very gleefully doing what they're evidently voluntarily undertaking that serfs of the Middle Ages would be most clearly appalled at, having under duress evidently lived through it themselves, yet from their abode in the afterlife observing and quite baffled by it all, that what are undoubtedly pathetic and self-evidently masochistic pillocks literally residing in a purportedly modern, and supposedly advanced world are voluntarily doing to themselves on the sole behalf of equally stupid but obviously self-entitled cretins and quite labelling it all very asininely under the banner of British tradition. Yet you're the risible cunts, who, quite categorically, see yourselves and want others too, to regard you as the distinctly irrefutable Master Race and similarly the epitome of humanity that self-evidently you most conspicuously aren't! To which I quite emphatically say: Dream on; morons!

I raised in my poem the issue of Britain in essence not just simply a mongrel nation but likewise one festooned with bastards, most of whom effectively don't even know exactly who they are, yet you asininely love to so ludicrously project yourselves as very evidently pristine individuals, just as you likewise most laughably, to people like me, who see and know you for what you quite unquestionably are. These quite so-called "royals" that you worship are also equally quite replete with their own bastards. But the difference, however, with them is that they can get your government, of whatever political colour, to have their indiscretions and even their acts of murder and every other crime they commit against you and the rest of humanity permanently sealed for hundreds of years, while no such clear and unequivocal concessions are ever in the least given to you. And you don't mind in the least, as idiots like you like to readily append to your rather idiotic selves terms like serfs, plebeians, subjects and equally, obviously too, commoner. And those you feel, justifiably rule you as "royals". I'm yet to see categorical proof of any fanny that from birth is biologically stamped with a sign of "royal" on it, or any prick that does shoot its sperm therein also with the same insignia. Just think on that and ruminate on it; if in effect you're actually capable of doing any such thing!

The world outside Britain knows full well that the marriage between Kate and the Dumbo she relentlessly stalked is OVER! Having produced her heir and spares as William's mother Diana did, she's now very obviously redundant as Diana clearly was. The principal difference being that Diana didn't stalk Charles, and with Kate having invested so much into her very gold digger venture she's not that keen to relinquish it so easily. The British rags and media know this but as with Mrs. Simpson and Edward they're not going to actually tell you fuck all until it's absolutely quite inevitable to do so. And frankly I don't really blame them, as they're also benefiting immensely from your sycophancy, rabid clckbaiting and the palace bribes they get; and moreover, they know, just as I do, that you're a bunch of gullible lemming cunts who'll happily jump from the cliffs they've self-servingly set up to your own disaster when they say so.

In conclusion there's nothing outstanding about any of these Windsor wives, so-called royal or Stepford brood mare, showing up at a charity for 10 minutes when everyone else has done the vital preparations and additionally essential resources have often been spent to paint the place in readiness for this PR visit. This from my perspective isn't what I call work by this Windsor lot, and more aptly see it as and honestly call it taking the piss!

In all seriousness, how can a nation of very obvious dimwits who have to rely on such advantageous programmes as "Long lost Families" to truly, if they're specifically quite lucky in doing so, have any notion of really who they are be such arrogant and simply disingenuous cunts?

#Hatred #Racism #SelfEntitlement #Stupidity #Sycophancy

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