By Stanley Collymore
What self-evidently really crass
self-entitlement, from the two
of these odious, self-serving
bastions of essentially white Caucasian
and significantly, thoroughly discernibly
supremacist implanted hypocrisy! Very
honestly, why distinctively is genuinely
specifically saying, anything whatever
that’s obviously unquestionably quite
marginally critical, and basically also
however quite justifiably so, of Israel
or Zionists specifically, is essentially
automatically damned, by its critical
advocates that undeniably are really
Zionist fanatics, very attendant with
their naturally acquisitive, obviously
avaricious, literally money grabbing
supporters, and simply self-serving
fawners as anti-semitism; when no
really intelligent, and well-informed
person, both knowledgeably aware
of, and fully cognizant too with the
basic facts, either concurs with, or
logically expresses, the fraudulent
view that these literally, irrefutably
specious claims have any general
genuine firm merit, either logically
or biologically so; or actually also
any authentic relevance, to them!
Remember the Charlie Hebdo
massacre when these same
convenient, complainants
of anti-semitism and their undoubtedly
rightwing, clearly white, British chums
were discernibly rather overtly hailing
that publication, and likewise publicly
brazenly saying, as they donned their
T-shirts, simply supportive of Charlie
Hebdo, and clearly emblazoned with
signs, distinctive to this one, saying:
“I’m Charlie Hebdo”, while, distinctly
simultaneously and undeniably too,
evidently unembarrassedly; crucially
declaring, that the absolute right to
offend others, must be very sternly
and also unquestionably defended
by all right thinking Britons! What’s
happened to that maxim now that
they simply feel themselves, to be
on the brute end of such offence?
And what bloody hypocrisy, very
glaringly and stinkingly also,
and now actually coming
naturally subjectively from these brave
and purportedly, they’ll obviously have
you think, naturally very conscionable
leopards, undeniably screaming, blue
murder with their distinctively, bogus
anti-semitism claims while evidently
going into their so characteristically,
Oscar type– well they undeniably do
control the film industry– spuriously
contrived asphyxiation convulsions
over this issue, now that they’re the
ones who’re allegedly, simply being
dragged along, the same noxiously
harmful path of criticism which it’s
true to say, they’re clearly adept at,
in subjecting those they obviously
unwarrantedly despise; irrefutably
so because their spots are clearly
marred, and crucially revealed for
what they significantly clearly are.
Freedom of speech and freedom
of expression; all bloody well
illusions to these people,
and rather distinctly and self-servingly
suitable when obviously beneficial to
themselves; but otherwise, viciously
attacked and likewise self-servingly
proposed, that they’re undoubtedly
harshly restricted or even actually
unquestionably, severely banned
when the actual beneficiaries, of
it, very characteristically neither
look, think, or sound, like them!
(C) Stanley V. Collymore
18 October 2023.