
It doesn’t have to be truthful to be believed!

By Stanley Collymore
What’s regularly said and even avidly proselytized and
propagated doesn’t have to be truthful to be readily
believed. And, as such, not unusually the more
nonsensical, far-fetched and lying that the
information being spread is, the more likely it is to
be seriously and unquestionably believed and
therefore accepted as the truth. That’s how
extraordinarily gullible the plethora of
intellectually challenged, obviously
educationally dumbed down and
distinctively, for the most part,
white Caucasian and visibly
thick-skinned westerners
quite transparently are!
Too fixated with either their ridiculous notion of
an inherent, and solely through coincidence
of birth, white privileged entitlement.
Or else as fawning plebeians and likewise too
as biological members of the same white
Caucasian ethnic group of ostensibly
human beings; inevitably on this
basic principle alone, believe
themselves, in their rather
sick minds and perverse
thinking as justifiably
to be automatically
deemed amongst
Nature’s mortal
creations as a
Master Race!
© Stanley V. Collymore
4 March 2020.

Author’s Remarks:
Tell a lie, and even a barefaced and implausible one often enough, the argument runs, and there will always be enough unthinking idiots who’ll eventually and rapturously believe it.

If in doubt of this assertion on my part, then I suggest you have a serious and quiet word with the moderators, so-called, of readers’ comments sent in to purportedly mainstream newspaper rags like, for example, the Express, Daily Mail, Sunday Mail, Observer, Metro, the Spectator, Daily Mirror; the Sun and certainly all of the other Rupert Murdoch’s owned rags in response to the multiplicity of continuous and intentionally fabricated and published fake news, as well as the premeditatedly lying stories which they all of them maliciously but, rather cunningly as well, industriously publish in their money making endeavours at your expense.

Knowing full well that they have, and will continue to do so, an overabundance of dim-witted morons like you, too daft to even know what an umbrella is for, to keep on bankrolling them.


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