
Positively influencing other people can only be an asset to humanity! Thank you Ajay!

By Stanley Collymore
There are obviously some very
positive people around, who
in their own country along
with others globally who commendably
and ethically, instinctively, thoughtfully
and quite often, invariably because of
the noxious vitriolic hatred, obviously
slanderous accusations, and usually
the grotesquely, toxically verminous
aspersions which they routinely get
for what they’re fittingly beneficially
doing could obviously instead, very
easily give up, and very simply, call
it a day; personally opt to generally
live a less targeted life, and frankly
without this appropriate, but rather
burdensome task, which obviously
they’ve manifestly undertaken and
notably meritoriously are distinctly
carrying out; thus literally allowing
them to be like everyone they daily
see and know; crucially indifferent
to what is happening, in the world!
But they certainly don’t! Because
they’re made of sterner stuff;
can and do actually think
for themselves and, significantly also,
actually have quite discernibly astute
as well as very evidently distinctively
functional and working brains firmly
placed in their respective head; and
rather thankfully and very gratefully
to likeminded persons like me, can
never either be seen or deemed to
be like so many of you, essentially
out there as really simply feckless
figures comprising the living dead.
(C) Stanley V. Collymore
23 October 2023.

Author's Remarks:
This poem was written specifically for Ajay, who I've never met but is a regular observer of my work on this site, Quite in tandem with his discernibly prescient minded, quite intelligent and undeniably cleverly, unquestionably knowledgeable comments and appraisals. But it's also a medium, the sentiments expressed in this poem through which it's being truly hoped that the dormant individuals who stay silent because they're led to really believe that nothing constructive can be done in rectifyingly the stupidity, vile and sick acquisitive behaviour and the prodigious growth of self-entitlement, greed and unwarranted privilege is here to stay and those who're not in those delusional elites or sensibly don't want to must accept things as they are. To that I say -No way!

Thank you all for reading my work and I trust it will assist many more of you not only in the UK but globally to become more like Ajay and not in the least bit like many, too innumerable in numbers, that I could mention. All the very best!


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