
Endemic cowards and quite bogus patriots adulatory at large, as they usually are!

By Stanley Collymore
How interesting! To use your
consistently and very well–
rehearsed unproductive
days, normally blithely lounging on your
sofa in your state provided and entirely
paid for council homes or, if privileged
and sadly self-entitled, the residences
which the government of the day, and
as well of whatever evidently political
colour, obviously very undeniably and
specifically crucially significantly and
distinctly generously too, awarded to
you, through these very questionable
generous tax cuts practices of theirs;
or simply turned a rather blind eye to
your undoubtedly indulged in rife tax
frauds, and also off-shore accounts!
Secreted and actually numbered
bank accounts accumulating
billions on which no taxes
are ever paid, but that assist massively
however, and very obviously from your
discernibly privileged position for you
to evidently facetiously carry on with
your contrived and selective outrage,
virtue signalling, rather hypocritically
and pathetically clearly doing all this
either from your lavish residences if
you’re numbered amongst the elites
but just as fervently and volubly so
as you’re told to by those who really
do control you, if you’re a perceived
as peasant and what you live in is a
council dwelling. Actually, the same
stance. Simply, a noxious approach
but one that really makes no sense!
No noticeable difference then to
all such morons whether they
are evidently from luxurious
homes or council ones, since their toxic
vitriol, and very undoubtedly verminous
condemnations are patently obviously
there to see and concertedly directed
at those they actually insatiably hate,
thoroughly despise, and literally with
the basest of ulterior motives which
they can effectively devise, likewise
want them to be really compellingly
and permanently got rid of. With all
of this rather undoubtedly and very
evilly also firmly embedded in your
pathetically sick minds and simply
odiously deemed by you as heroic
and highly, commendable acts; all
most excellently carried out in the
protection of what you obdurately
and effectively ignorantly insist is
simply your very own distinctively
and spiritually, God given country.
Yet irrefutably from behind those
same computer keyboards that
you’re so fittingly prodigiously
using to essentially spew out your toxic
hatred, recurrent vitriol and undeniably
odiously very bellicose warmongering,
quite conveniently simply overlooking
to actually and honestly mention that
behind, all this vainglorious, hubristic
dare devil antics of yours that simply
themselves are vastly exaggeratedly,
that combined with your supposedly
pristine patriotism, you’re effectively
nothing more than what you actually
have always been, currently are and
undoubtedly also will enduringly be:
basically, quite distinctively, low-life
scum and vile bogus patriots who’ll
specifically and undeniably defend,
you’ll have others naively think and
and even stupidly also believe that
this land, that in stark and realistic
terms obviously isn’t your own but
that evidently nevertheless in your
undeniably entrenched colonialist
and apartheid fantasies it really is
and consequently, as the patriotic
person you are you’ll undoubtedly
do so, but with the simple upshot
that it will be to the very last drop
of someone else’s blood but fully
rather assuredly, never your own,
your adult children or closest kin.
(C) Stanley V. Collymore
25 October 2023.

Author's Remarks:
If you are more than willing to actually send other people's sons and likewise their daughters to war, as I honestly see it you simply shouldn't have a problem then with sending your own very clearly adult offspring or other quite distinctly, discernibly family members as well. As well, morally and undoubtedly so, there should be no law or rule that allow such people blank immunity that others just aren't given, or automatically because of who they are, are expressly awarded.

Because, rather self-evidently, anybody with a functioning brain and who does know how to use it properly, is basically fully aware that if the offspring of these repulsive warmongers and similarly too the huge beneficiaries from these wars that are quite bullyingly waged on other countries that very obviously are simply weaker militaristically than they are and as an added bonus have quite valuable resources these totally odious, noxious and verminous warmongers along with their actually elitist, self-entitled chums want to purloin; or their victims are very essentially ordinary people whose land and country have been very barbarically taken from them, and quite naturally as such they're endeavouring to have both back and will rather courageously fight to their own deaths to regain what has been rather barbarously taken from them under the auspices of colonialist, rather entrenched apartheid and quite overtly ongoing, evilly land grabbing policies as well as the practices of these abusers themselves

Fully aware of this these warmongers simply aren't going to have their precious sons and daughters or close kin on the front line of such wars of retribution. But one simply doesn't have to be a member of Mensa to know that if the sprogs of all these warmongers had no option but to likewise be on the frontline very relative to these needless wars which their own parents and their distinctly likeminded, acquisitive friends initiate, that crucially these warmongers won't be so keen to start needless wars in the first place as well as having a more moral approach to the actual devastation of all wars!

#Stupidity #Warmongering

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