
Paul Hollywood– the recipient of a British national, colonialist award for services to Himself!

By Stanley Collymore
Even if the MBE actually meant
anything which, on a practical
level, I quite personally don’t
think it does, as Britain, in case those
handing out these evidently basically
pointless gongs, as well as the really
deluded recipients, basically proudly
and vaingloriously, happily receiving
them, don’t appear to simply realize,
no longer has an empire, and that is
specifically therefore what the MBE
is obviously all about: a Member of
the British Empire, and rather in my
point of view, is clearly tantamount
to Italy quite farcically handing out
similar type gongs, on behalf of an
essentially defunct Roman Empire,
which is precisely, what the former
British Empire likewise, actually is!
And to actually add insult in this
very recent British example of
handing out this clearly very
preposterous MBE to a man discernibly
distinctly hosting a basically fading TV
programme and for which, specifically
as its actual presenter, he is distinctly
well paid is not only naturally farcical
but actually clearly demented. Surely
there are unquestionably, thoroughly
commendable and quite discernibly
so, several altruistically meritorious
candidates, effectively undoubtedly
across Britain who simply glaringly
significantly; basically distinctively
and undeniably obviously crucially
clearly very ostensibly deservingly
rather literally, naturally irrefutably
qualified and characteristically so
clearly demonstrably distinctively
from basically every societal and
state perspective; quite evidently
comprehensely undeniably meet
the specific criteria indefatigably
required in all naturally authentic
regards, but are very deliberately
basically withheld for effectively
class inured, and elitist reasons!
Implaccaby a deeply entrenched
class structured society which
even the quite hard done by
and knowingly so thoroughly despised
by their actually perceived as societal
elite betters it’s really a cultural state
of affairs, which the vast majority of
quite intensely, simply brainwashed
British plebeians clearly undeniably
accept with their actual, customary
equanimity and to such a basically
obvious distinctly ludicrous extent
that very obviously too even when
their Lords and masters quite feel
effectively disposed to be fittingly
patronizing to them or discernibly
specifically recourse, subjectively
to clearly doing a quite necessary
bout of essential virtue signalling
to thus aptly conceal an episodic
factor of their distimctly dubious,
private lives, or criminal financial
affairs which clearly are crucially
hugely embarrassing and simply
consequently naturally plunge to
the level of covering these up by
significantly dishing out suitable
gongs, it’s too a recognized fact
that while close associates and
friends will surely automatically
get their promised, Damehoods
and Lordships the plebeian and
serfs kind, will automatically be
restricted to the very basement
bargain insignias obviously like
the MBE that nevertheless they
will clearly rather optimistically
accept with untrammelled glee.
Meanwhile, evidently disgracefully
and very deliberately overlooked
quite effectively, not worthy of
even a solitary rudimentary recognition
for their invaluable work and obviously
very unstinting services to their fellow
human beings if those that irrefutably
have both the responsibility, and also
the additional authority of not simply
only recommending but handing out
also these naturally virtue signalling
gongs, simply cared to look; people,
for example, who at quite great risk
to themselves generally and simply
their own lives specifically, actually
voluntarily very significantly clearly
and quite bravely obviously go into
war zones to undeniably mercifully
unquestionably help, those literally
innocent civilians there but are the
obvious people who really have no
say, or would they ever be listened
to by the political, or the other sick
and clearly specific progenitors of
these absolutely, quite specifically
useless gongs; and distinctly also
those evil toxically warmongering
political rulers, who self-servingly,
hand them out generously to very
sycophantic, and obviously rather
undeserving recipients. A fittingly
rewarding gong then for basically
doing one’s work, and too getting
remarkably well paid, for doing it!
(C) Stanley V. Collymore
18 April 2024.

Author's Remarks:
In the quite indisputable words of George Bernard Shaw, and I quote him verbatim: "Titles [simply] distinguish the mediocre, embarrass the superior; and are disgraced by the inferior!"


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