
Nigel Farage and company Reform undoubtedly popular? So were Herr Adolf Hitler and the Nazi Party!

By Stanley Collymore
Unquestionably two men: Adolf
Hitler and Nigel Farage, both
of them quite distinctly of
Germanic origin, Hitler’s antipathy and
very undeniably, calculated retribution
were discernibly, rather genuinely and
committedly also the actual outcome
from a very logical and truly impartial
perspective also very understandably
based on the distinctlvely undeniably
malevolent, and egregious treatment
of the German people, very distinctly
and crucially collectively as a nation,
evidently following their terrible loss
of World War I; and that barbarously
quite vindictively introduced, and as
well clearly gloatingly implemented,
quite naturally, principally by Britain,
of the spitefully Treaty of Versailles.
What, therefore, in marked contrast
then to Herr Hitler’s unquestionably
noble endeavours are those clearly
in any kind of realistically objective
comparison rather relative to Nigel
Farage’s own, distinctively bigoted,
thoroughly warped and discernibly
undeniably, self-serving activities?
Popular! You openly and evidently
literally bleat about Nigel Farage
and Reform, his company quite
obviously masquerading as a political
party! But what, of his newly acquired
constituents? For I really much doubt
that this evidently narcissistic moron
will actually really engage much with
the basically quite ordinary everyday
residents of Clacton; since basically,
Clacton was rather brazenly used by
Nigel Farage as an actual conduit to
obviously, secure his cherished seat
within the House of Commons. And
from my logically objective, actually
earnest, and crucially also impartial
observation, what the UK, and most
specifically England, frankly require
are MPs, who’re simply prepared to
categorically: honestly and morally
significantly, dedicatedly represent
their constituents rather than vilely
clearly use them and the locations
that they unquestionably distinctly
live in, in quite legal parliamentary
terms, to distinctively significantly
and essentially undeniably pursue
their personal and simply devious
ambitions, which actually, is what
those, of the questionably odious
ilk of Nigel Farage are essentially
and evidently undoubtedly doing!
(C) Stanley V. Collymore
23 July 2024.

Author's Remarks:
Precisely just like the snake oil operators in the supposedly good old USA, Reform’s operatives across Britain have not only clearly taken full cognizance of such lowlife, narcissistic and psychopathic scum but have themselves become just like them; in essence fully knowing that in class infested, discernibly feudal in mindset and quite overall not the least bright where such brainwashed scum are evidently concerned; these Reform operatives and bandwagon aficionados are essentially earnestly do believe that they’re onto a good thing, if only temporarily so on the part of those that are leading them by the nose.

Essentially, not that different in reality from the Nazis and what they distinctively did throughout the 1930s and well into the 1940s. The basic difference being between them and this Reform lot is that in Germans’ case they were acting in response to what disastrously happened to them following the Treaty of Versailles. While in the case of the UK, and very much unlike the case of Germany, the Britons effectively involved with Reform and unquestionably morons with limited or no commonsense who essentially love to jump onto populist bandwagons, as they obviously can’t think for themselves, and love nothing more than others doing that task for them!

#Greed #Hate

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