
On confronting a compulsive control freak

By Stanley Collymore
Turn to me, look me straight in the eyes and truthfully
tell me what it is that you really want from me, as
frankly your general behaviour is becoming
quite distressing and worrisome to me
and I simply can’t make heads or
tails of your incomprehensible actions, or even what
it is that you’re supposed to be doing. And that’s
not rational conduct by any means, or some–
thing that I should be compelled to put
up with in stoical isolation, and quite
unequivocally I most vigorously
will never ever contemplate
effecting any such thing.
So here’s a piece of practical advice to you from me.
Stop immediately your discernibly narcissistic
Queen Bee postulations which stipulate
that your every want must instantly
be converted into someone else’s obediently
addressed commands dictated and solely
controlled by you, obviously. Failing
that, dream on if you must, which
is your private and lawful right
to do I’m sure. But I strongly
demand, and ardently trust,
that in doing so you don’t
seriously expect me to
play any part in your
rather idiotic and
risky scenarios.
© Stanley V. Collymore
28 August 2019.

Author’s Remarks:
Ring any bells either with yourself or someone whom you know personally or even quite intimately? Not a nice situation, I know, to be in either through your own behaviour or as the consequence of finding yourself the victim of a fixated family member, friend or neighbour.

But when it’s all said and done there’s only one person who can genuinely solve that conundrum for you – yourself!

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