
Money is the root cause of all evil when used improperly and immorally but can also be a positive force for what’s good!

By Stanley Collymore
Those who are authentically
rich, and obviously so by
whatever means they
acquire their wealth, don’t normally as
a rule rather stupidly, or flamboyantly
actually spend their distinctively vast
sums of money usually irresponsibly
but instead sensibly and quite safely
equally and also rather securely put
it usually in offshore bank accounts
and actually well out of harm’s way
from all truly legitimate scrutiny of
the lesser mortals really in actually
pecuniary circumstances and truly
of course also statutory bodies like
the Inland Revenue, and evidently
also, other legitimate tax recovery
services! So while unquestionably
the rich discernibly, actually have
much more money, than they can
essentially realistically spend, the
general poor meanwhile, in quite
stark contrast to them are clearly
distinctly obliged to spend all the
money that they possess, on food
and really other vital necessities!
Not at all fair of course but that’s
undeniably so, the global reality!
(C) Stanley V. Collymore
18 September 2024.

Author's Remarks:
The obsession of most human beings to be inordinately rich is a cancer that distinctly and discernibly all elements of the human race, and actually distinctively specifically so those that quite crucially have far more money than they have ideas or essentially the common sense to know how best to in actuality beneficially use it; but clearly all the same obsessively hoping to garner yet more of it. Conveniently forgetting that on death, which is inevitable, no one can take their money, however massive that might be with them!

Not jealousy but pragmatic common sense.


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