
Lessons will be learned, is the customary mantra. Very sadly though, they never are!

By Stanley Collymore
There are really some truly sick
people quite obviously in this
country we call Britain and
likewise in the wider world generally; and
the people generally, whom these utterly
vile sociopaths and distinctively literally
odious psychopaths, have either nastily
abused, harmed or normally killed have
often, actually been quite horrifically let
down, by their respective authorities or
else the actual criminal justice system.
Consequently in my view the prevalent
balance needs to be urgently changed
to rather crucially, put the victims first;
for until that transpires evil will simply
continue to prosper. However, though
in the meantime all that we hear after
each discernibly, avoidable tragedy is
the irrefutably, well-rehearsed mantra
that lessons will be learned! However
though despite being a profound and
serious declaration, is normally never
seen to be followed at all! And so the
status quo ante carries on endlessly!
(C) Stanley V. Collymore
17 September 2024.

Author's Remarks:
In empathetic tribute to the late 13 year old Scottish lass Robyn Goldie who had a most despicable life at the hands of her very own biological mother Sharon and who effectively died most unnecessarily.

Likewise, my earnest belief that effectively so-called mothers like Sharon should crucially be obviously and permanently lawfully sterilized, clearly irrespective of whatever other judicial punishments are meted out to them!


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