
King in name only; King consort in reality to his adulterous, mistress Queen!

By Stanley Collymore
Hierarchically as well as hereditarily
you were designated from birth
Charles Windsor to be the
arbitrary heir, of the British monarchy:
a prince of the realm, actually around
whom you and actually likewise, your
own family, everything which there is
of significantly great importance has
to revolve unstoppably; but evidently
obviously, with no identical empathy
that’s created for or else dispatched
towards those essentially perceived
effectively as the usual commoners,
serfs, peasants or puerile plebeians
crucially by yourselves and likewise
any of your obviously privileged kin.
So how then and rather realistically
too in God’s Holy name: exactly the
same Deity that you, your sort, and
those that very gullibly believe you,
continue to obviously significantly,
and likewise distinctly tenaciously
in such distinctively unconvincing
circumstances simply still adhere
to this clearly nonsensical idea of
a monarchy, quite permanently in
Britain and firmly unquestionably
as well as morally and fittingly, in
place through divine approbation.
A monarch of Britain to be readily
sycophantically worshiped and
likewise fatuously idealized
by you and similarly also your family
members and friends and on whom
it must always be proudly prevailed
upon unceasingly that every British
monarch is in situ by the divine will
and corroboration of God Almighty.
Well now you know if basically you
didn’t before! But if you’re dubious
of this, because quite indisputably
you’ve evidently, an astute brain in
your head, that you often and also
rather sensibly employ to logically
sort quite questionable things out,
you won’t then think I take it much
less so, conscionably believe that
any of this ridiculous chicanery is
either undeniably so intellectually
right or even scarcely steadfastly
sound or vaguely generally moral.
A basically intolerable situation
made wholly implausible by
your vilely contemptible,
unapologetic behaviour Charles, itself
similarly rather contemptuously so to
those still enduringly, moral elements
within British society. Behaviour quite
pre-planned, and purposely contrived
in your knowingly disgusting adultery
totally aware from the outset of what
you’d quite deliberately embarked on
what the very obvious overriding dire
consequences brazenly, consciously
and simply egregiously orchestrated
through your assiduous, cooperative
participation Charles, but essentially
malevolently engineered by your vile
and odiously evil mistress, evidently
so, with her own distinctive designs
on being the true, successor Queen
of Britain, literally after Liz Windsor.
And having ruthlessly played the
patient waiting game and with
both Diana and Dale “Kanga”
Tryon: Charles’ wife and other serious
mistress, both dead within months of
each other and quite clearly in similar
mysterious circumstances; the stage
was now aptly and intransigently set,
for the still Windsor in name only but
basically unquestionably so in reality
the indubitable advent of the Parker
Bowles dynasty. A new queen as you
obviously clearly wanted Charlie boy
but evidently, not that bright enough
to sensibly discern what that Queen
that you so arrogantly and distinctly
elevated to her now legally held role
within the British monatchy actually
very painstakingly essayed over the
years, of your relationship together,
to usurp your position as King after
you’d acquired that role; manifestly
then irrefutably become the actual
power, distinctly behind the British
throne, which very unquestionably,
Camilla  most certainly in addition
to her status as Queen undeniably
is! And very crucially demotes you
Charlie boy from the UK’s reigning
monarch and once its obsessively
waiting kingly heir, to undoubtedly
what he’s now irrefutably become.
The very billionaire and privileged
husband of a fellow adulterous
spouse who played him like
a fine tuned piano and sequestered
what from the start and throughout
her long game endeavour what she
always really longed for, her role as
the Queen of Britain and that of her
used adulteror as her King Consort.
(C) Stanley V. Collymore
29 May 2023.

Author's Remarks:
And the true majority British population, their overseas genocidal, convict inured kin and crucially at home again likewise their Coconut and House Nigger clearly Useful Idiots, love deluding themselves that Britain is not simply quite distinctly the rather solid, 21st Century country it actually is, but is likewise too a staunch democracy!

Dream on; and keep taking the tablets!


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