
The ingenuity of Hope!

By Stanley Collymore
Hope is the invisible but all the
same the evident, pertinent
and very highly relevant
thread that intuitively binds all our human
aspirations together; essentially whether
these are literally achievable, or actually
and discernibly, just pleasant fantasies.
The optimistic mechanism, that clearly
very instinctively, drives us individually
to hope for and obviously too, want to
crucially acquire, more promising and
far better things. Endeavours actually
not always very successful obviously,
as seen fittingly, from a purely selfish
and evidently naturally individualistic,
likewise too, a distinctlve, thoroughly
very characteristically ingrained and
truly also an egotistical perspective;
but nevertheless when distinctly its
achievements are actually attained,
there is clearly distinctively nothing
more specifically inspirational than
Hope in basically making each and
effectively everyone of us that very
unquestionably quite undoubtingly
and earnestly aptly believes in it; a
truly more overarching and as well
a crucially markedly better person.
(C) Stanley V. Collymore
1 September 2024.

Author's Remarks:
Without Hope in one's life and attendant with that the earnest belief in positively assisting then in helping to altruistically make things rather better, not only apparently for one's individual self and those evidently obviously simply quite closest to you, but equally and similarly distinctly so, all other decent and discernibly obviously worthy humans; one plainly then, unquestionably and crucially failing the aforementioned, undoubtedly becomes nothing more than quite simply, thoroughly useless detritus randomly and distinctively fecklessly swept up and then blown most cavalierly by the wind!


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