Author's Remarks:
The Maggie Thatcher regime both consciously and financially self-servingly purposely destroyed the mental health service throughout Britain; the cynical, lying and pathetic mantra proselytized by them was that the UK’s mentally defectives could and should be cared for in their own communities while simultaneously the lame argument went on, saving the taxpayers large sums of money through this unilateral action of the Tory regime. The real reason though, and an utter scam, were the massive amounts of money the Tory regime and its likeminded and avaricious allies in the corporate world could garner for themselves, and actually did so significantly, from selling off these huge and very profitable properties attendant with their enormous building and housing portfolios, land, farming and other commercial assets. By the time all of this had occurred however, I had long left the NHS to embark successfully on another phase of my carefully and skilfully planned career pursuit.
During my time in the NHS as a Psychiatric Nurse I did regularly come across and routinely as well dealt with a plethora of truly psychologically sick and damaged individuals of both genders, some of them voluntarily there in hospital with the assistance and encouragement of close relatives many of whom literally wanted to be shot of them; but the vast majority of these patient inmates I dealt with who were incarcerated at my hospital: one of the largest and similarly oldest established mental hospital in England, were there as a direct consequence of being medical as well as criminally sanctioned to be there. People you wouldn’t sensibly turn your back on for a second and where even the eating implements like knives and forks were strictly plastic and nothing that could be remotely used as an improvised weapon was left in their view. In short, both day and night these people had to be and were relentlessly watched 24/7. So in essence I do have a pretty excellent idea of what I’m talking about as I experienced it on a minute by minute, hourly and a daily and weekly basis; having to meticulously be on one’s guard all the time as well as similarly dealing also with the unexpectedly dangerous vagaries of conduct exercised by very abnormal human beings.
Camilla Parker Bowles and her protégé Kate Middleton, from a perfectly objective perspective on my part and reinforced with my psychiatric training, and likewise with intense discussions I’ve had and still do with persons I absolutely trust, once worked with and have significant psychiatric training and expertise up to and including consultancy level, fully agree with me on my objective analysis of this odious pair, camellia Parker Bowles and Kate Middleton. And in discussions with these professionals I earlier referred to the name and conduct of similar psychologically impaired individuals like J. Edgar Hoover of FBI infamy and the murder of both John F. Kennedy, his Brother, Martin Luther King and others; Jimmy Savile; Senator Joseph Raymond McCarthy: the classic Irish Stockholm Syndrome asshole who damaged the lives of myriads of people; Bonito Mussolini; Nicolae Ceausescu and Antonio de Oliveira Salazar – go check their verminous bastards out if you’re not already familiar with them – in their relative conduct to what for years mow Camilla Parker Bowles has been doing and her protégé Kate Middleton is likewise undertaking.
There loads of you that think that these two rightwing verminous, racist bitches have the intellectual acumen to base their own lifestyles on any of these aforementioned individuals; and frankly as a decades long Academic myself, Camilla Parker Bowles with her one GCE and Kate with her poor man’s in Academic terms History of Art degree, which only the intellectually challenged embark on clearly haven’t in my estimation. But psychological abnormalities don’t work that way and if you check out the facts you’ll readily find that psychopaths and sociopaths: of which Camilla Parker Bowles and Kate Middleton are every bit as odious as Jimmy Savile in how he odiously operated while appearing to be the epitome of consummate humanity, do automatically have a lot in common with each other. The crucial element in all of this being that they’re mentally sick but power hungry attention seekers with a marked perversion for egregious behaviour towards others they’re specifically envious of or psychologically fear: Diana Spencer in the case of Camilla Parker Bowles and Meghan Markle where Kate Middle is concerned. Quite happy to use any means at their disposal and a rightwing media whose jerks masquerading as journalists but are actually hacks are so devoid of worthy lives that the inherently medieval and monarchical hereditary serf situation with its useless awards and titles mean the world to them. Just look at how assiduously the Daily Mail is promoting even dead monarchies across Europe which the citizenry have rebuked and abolished.
Psychopathically sick pillocks who with the dysfunctional lot at the Palace have made a deal: one gets bribes and the other a hush up of their criminality and Jimmy Savile type behaviour and worst. And where do the lot of you stand? Where else but in the queue to fall on your knees to these mother-F idiots who really don’t give a shit about you. And when you get some so-called American prat saying publicly that they wish they were British so they could claim Kate Middleton as their future queen, you really know that not only Camilla Parker Bowles, Kate Middleton and the rest of them have lost the fucking plot but significant numbers of others as well. We can rationally argue why there are so many psychologically sick bastards and bitches throughout Britain, thanks to Maggie Thatcher and co; but what’s the excuse for those in the USA, Canada, New Zealand and Australia; is it a genetic thing with you cunts?